What: Wyoming Bass Day
When: Saturday, September 9, 2023
Where: Sheridan College, 1 Whitney Way, Sheridan, WY.
Streaming?: Yes! https://nwccd.zoom.us/j/3464143343
How: Please register for WY Bass Day here. Tickets are free, but it helps to know how many are attending. Thanks!
Guest Clinician: David Anderson
2023 Bass Day Schedule:
10:00 am - 10:45 am Welcome and Bass Concert I (Recital Hall)
Dr. Mark Elliot Bergman with Loretta Tonak, piano
Concerto for Double Bass (G. Cimador)
Little Sad Sound (A. Ridout)
Bass Trip (P. Vasks)
Chanson Triste (S. Koussevitzky)
11:00 - 12:30 pm WY All-State Rep and All-Northwest Rep masterclass
NB: Here is a more printer-friendly version than the one on the website.
12:30 - 2:00 NO HOST LUNCH (nearby restaurants include Qdoba, Jimmy Johns, Sapporo, and Taco Johns. Chartwells lunch is also available on campus in the TRCC building on campus)
2:00 - 3:00 Read bass chamber music (Room: Instrumental Rehearsal Room)
330 - 4:00 Concert II (Recital Hall)
Kathy Beagle (Eccles Sonata)
4:30 - 6:00 Masterclass with Guest Clinician and Principal Bassist of the Louisana Philharmonic David Anderson
Kathy Beagle (Eccles Sonata)
Molly Walters (Meistersingers Overture)
Mary Ward (TBA)
Paul Dickinson (Boismortier Paysane)